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At Total Vision we want you to look and feel your best. Below you can view our promotions and payment options.

Enable Subsidy

Up to the age of 8, children experience a crucial period of visual development. Their eyes are continuously changing, so it’s never too early to have your child’s eyes checked.

Some parents may not be able to take their children for regular eye check-ups due to financial constraints, which can lead to concerns about their eye health and vision. Fortunately, the Enable Children’s Spectacle Subsidy program provides assistance with the cost of certain vision services for eligible children who are 15 years old or younger.


  • To be eligible for the subsidy children must be
  • 15 years old or younger
  • their family must hold a valid Community Services Card
  • or the child must have a High Health Use Card
  • and the child must have undergone an eye examination with an optometrist or ophthalmologist.
  • The subsidy level is to a maximum of $287.50 (incl GST) per year. A further  $51.11 (incl GST) is available for children that require an adult size frame.

Interest Free Finance

Three months interest free payment terms are available to approved purchasers on all purchases of spectacles and contact lenses over $100.

Just pay a deposit of 30% of your purchase and divide the balance over 3 months.

50% off second pair of lenses* 

Who doesn’t love a discount?

By any pair of prescription glasses and get your second pair of lenses at half price!

Price is deducted from the least expensive pair.